Call-out for local co-ordinators

We are looking for volunteers to be Local Co-ordinators of the Ecotopia Biketour 2011 in Italy!

See Italian version here

The Local coordinator[s] will be responsible for the route in one region or at least a part of it. Preparation of the biketour is under way now. This year the tour will go trough Italy. You can see the planned route here Although organising such a project is fun, it is a serious commitment, as all the participants [estimating 20-40 at any one time] will rely upon on the decisions and estimations made during the preparation. For more info on Biketour, how it works and where it has been, read:

– our website – our wiki – for updates, please join the biketour email list

Local co-ordinators for the Ecotopia Biketour 2011 will coordinate:

– the planning & testing of the route – the search for overnight accomodation, actions, events, fellow organisers, participants – having meetings with local volunteers and international coordinators – produce/translate bt-material like flyers or poster – press work – whatever else you take on during meetings.

[Preparing the route] (see general information “BIKETOUR ON THE ROAD” for tips)

– Finding locations to sleep and arranging a contact person who communicates with hosts during the biketour and informs when we will actually arrive. We will probably stay longer in some places where we can learn/help/carry out actions. It will be nice to have space to meet, do workshops, prepare banners, etc. Especially where many people start the tour it will be nice to organize a bike repair workshop or other group activities… – Planning and checking out the route: important to check is actual state of the road (asphalt is best); enough possibilities to get drinking water and food supplies; and to make a list of bike [work]shop addresses. – Cooking on open fire is the fastest and most convenient for BT. It needs to be checked if open fire is allowed in a particular [part of the] country (otherwise it will be necessary to arrange a gas cooker). – Besides this it’s good to check natural park policies and possibilities of wild camping as a group. – also need list of hospitals along the route and alarm numbers of the country. – Overview of a general plan for actions and campaigns with dates (this plan can be talked through and adjusted with all participants at the starting point of the tour and during daily meetings). It’s good to leave space for people to take part in actions they are interested in (don’t expect all actions planned will happen… sometimes though can be spontaneous actions can be organised by participants). – A contact person who communicates with local action groups…


– To reach out to potential participants you can send a call-out via email to all friends, action groups, NGOs and whomever interested. There is a real need for translated versions (local languages). – Also BT flyers/stickers can be printed to hand out during the Biketour (also translated into local languages).

Media strategy

– prepare a list of press contacts – a general press release about the Biketour (that can be sent to local press before/on day of arrival by a contact person in the office) – and maybe there should be a press spokesperson on location!

Local attention/welcomes for biketour

Local hosts, action organisers, local authorities (in villages, etc) will always expect a group of fresh sporty activists, full of interest in everything local. ‘This is the rule! They sometimes organise events to welcome us. We need someone to talk to them and explain (before we arrive) that sometimes we need to rest first…

Requirements for our Local coordinators volunteers:

– They must like bikes and cycling – Have good spoken Italian and English (as English is the common language of most Biketour participants) – Agree with the participation guidelines: – Ability to communicate by email and telephone (mostly in English) – Ability to learn about and use online tools, such as email-lists, blogs and social media – Ability to learn about, develop and maintain the website, wiki, facebook, twitter, etc. – Have skills in making links with the local community and local activists, – Ability to produce leaflets, press-releases and other written materials (mostly in English) to promote the Biketour, – Have an understanding of consensus decision making

Advantageous skills to have:

Previous participation in the Ecotopia Biketour – Experience of bicycle-touring – Experience of organising local, environmental or social campaigns, media stunts and non-violent direct actions – Experience of working in international groups of volunteers

To apply to be a local co-ordinator of Biketour 2011:

Please write a short introduction to yourself, how you fit the position and which of the advantageous skills you have. Include your contact details and email it to with the subject: Biketour Local Co-ordinator 2011 Applications will be accepted as a first-come, first-served basis, and must be received before the 30th of June 2011.


  1. Hello,
    i left home with my bike and equipment first of august, direction to Italia, without knowing about the tour, when my friend Sophie, mentionned it. We are on august, the 10th, I’m currently in Fiurenze stying at Camerata for today, leaving next morning, and i would eagerly like to join You/ the tour. Would it be possible? I just filled out the registration form, so that you should find my name in your latest contact. Please and thank you try to contact me as soon as possible. i may also contact you by phone, but i don’t have any cellular, it makes it a bit less easy…
    I was so glad to hear about this event. i wish you all- bikers- the best anyway!
    Guillaume Racine

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