The biketour has finally started

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The first people were meeting on friday, preparing the camp at Can Masdeu and later joined the biggest Critical Mass ever in Barcelona.

On saturday more people arrived constantly. For about three hours, Biciclot offered us their workshop, tools, spare parts and knowledge in order to prepare our bicycles for the tour. Since there is a water shortage (it’s summer and it’s the mediterranean!) and the campsite didn’t gave us the possibility to shower, a short detour to the beach on the way back was a welcome refreshment. We attempted to form our first circle in the evening but ended up eating dinner and talking informally until the daylight had totally gone.

On sunday morning the approximately 15 people sat together in a first circle and clarified the most important issues of group organisation. The biggest part of the day was dedicated to the topic of degrowth, under which the whole tour is heading towards the annual degrowth conference in Venezia. In combination with the usual open sunday at Can Masdeu, about a 100 people joined during the day, coming for lunch, takin part in discussions and presentations or workshops, such as the one about making a rocket stove – a necessary piece of equipment that will accompany us on our tour in order to cook.

On monday we (almost) left Barcelona by heading for Kan Pasqual in a critical mass (bicicletada) under the header „let’s defense the Collserola“ (a natural parc between Barcelona and its suburbs in danger of being „developed“) and against the Eurovegas project threatening the neighbour Delta de Llobregat. On the way, a squat in the hills looking on Barcelona provided us with refreshing self-made ginger ale and bread.
At our campsite Kan Pasqual we were welcomed with a giant paella and got a tour around the house/project.
Later, Franklin Lopez presented us his film „END:CIV – Resist or Die“ and discussed with us.
We tried to organise the next longer route, which will finally lead us out of Barcelona, in another small circle in the evening, before going to sleep on real mattraces again – or in the Yurt.

2 Kommentare

  1. Pingback:Ecotopia Bike Tour en Kan Pascual, Can Masdeu.. | KanPasqual

  2. Pingback:Ecotopia Bike Tour en Kan Pascual, Can Masdeu.. | KanPasqual

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