Celebrate the start of the biketour, 8th July at Can Masdeu 10.30h-19.00h

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Come and meet Ecotopia Biketour, find out about Degrowth and help us celebrate the start of our 2,000km journey by bike from Barcelona to Venice, which leaves the next day!
Ecotopia Biketour is an eco-mobile do-it-yourself activist community which cycles through Europe each summer. This year our journey takes us through Catalonia, the South of France and Northern Italy and our theme is degrowth, challenging the damaging mentality of growth which overlooks real social and environmental values. We will visit projects, collectives and people who are experimenting with alternatives to growth, learn from each other and live sustainably! And we also have the challenge to get to cross both the Pyrénées and the Alps with the help of our trusty bikes :-)
  • 10.30 Rocket stove workshop
  • 12.00 Tour of Can Masdeu
  • 13.30 Degrowth & the Biketour
  • 15.00 Comida
  • 16.30 Eurovegas
  • 17.30 Life without money
Other places to join us:
  • Friday 6th July: Critical mass, 8pm L’ARC DE TRIOMF
  • Monday 9th July: Bicicletada en defensa de Collserola i contra Eurovegas (10h. leave from Can Masdeu)
For more information about how to join us, the route and the places we will visit: http://www.ecotopiabiketour.net/2012/05/07/registration-open
For more about Can Masdeu and how to get here visit http://www.canmasdeu.net
If you would like to help out or get in touch with the coordinators, email info@ecotopiabiketour.net
Hope to see you there!
Ecotopia Biketour, Research and Degrowth and la comission Decreixement de la Acampada de Barcelona

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