International Support: Biketour in Rosia Montana in pictures

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Biketour join local and International protestors at the anti mining protest at Campeni, 15km from Rosia Montana… (22nd September).



Arriving into Rosia Montana…


An example of the Pro mining banners that litter the town…. one reads ‘Rosia Montana only exisits because of MINING!’


Several anti mining banners were put up overnight in Rosia Montana before the arrival of an ‘illegal commission‘, that was set up by the Romanian government to assess the legitimisation of the mining project in one day!

One banner reads ‘The Street Says No‘, the other comments about the illegal commission due to arrive later that morning.  Another huge banner was dropped on one of the mountains due to be destroyed with a simple ‘NO!‘,  however, all the banners were immediately torn down by an angry mob ‘minors’, before the commission arrived. (25th September)


Later that day protestors gather in Rosia Montana to protest about the commission with action samba…behind a fence! (25th September)


More protests follow again in Campeni, including an angry mob of local anti mining protestors outside the restaurant where the comminsion were eating, and needed police escorts to be able to leave.


The Biketour joined local and international activists at the week long skills share to support the struggle at a local level, and to learn from the expereince of global resistance to corporate greed.


View from our camp of the Transylvania mountains…


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