CAAP – Centre for Autonomous Production and Active Citizens, Maribor

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In Maribor we slept at the Pekarna Squat, a huge complex of bars, music rooms and an anarchist book shop.

The following day we met local bike activists at the  CAAP,  – Centre for Autonomous Production and Active Ctizens, where we had the chance to look over our bikes in the DIY bike workshop,  were shown around the cooperative  including a seed library, seminar space, work with Roma communities and the acclaimed Urban Furows project.

The centre wishes to promote sustainability, autonomy and active citizenship. One example was empowering people to do something about the issues that mattered to them. For example by painting a pedestrian crossing where one was needed and was taking too long to be actioned by the usual bureaucracy. This direct action, shortly led to an official pedestrian crossing as desired.

Later we met for a Critical Mass through Maribor, although quiet during the holiday season, we handed out biketour flyers and made our selves and our anti nationalist messages heard to the locals.

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