In Malmö we were invited to stay by Kontrapunkt ( – a counter culture group who were running many different projects from a workshop space and social centre. Except we didn’t know this before we arrived, and when some of us arrived to the address, we saw a punk concert happening with many people outside and mistook it for the sleeping space! But we discovered that the place we were meant to be sleeping at was just behind, before we took out our sleeping bags in the punk concert.
We were instantly impressed by the workshop space on Kontrapunkt – It was a big open colourful space – when we entered there were sofas! A mention of showers! Multiple buildings! They had also cooked an amazing spicy lentil dish in their social centre kitchen – a change from the bad pastries we’d been eating most of the day. We had a tour around the social centre – a huge building with multiple rooms, creative decorations and furniture from old pallets, a big stage, and a chill out room that was where the tour ended – some of the bike tour were so tired that they fell asleep on the sofas. There were also posters everywhere around the spaces advertising our arrival and the event happening in two days time! To end a brilliant introduction, we joined some locals dumpster diving and found super fruit and vegetables which would feed us for the next 2 days.
The next day we learnt more about the way kontrapunkt works – one of the interesting methods they use to encourage volunteering is a system called karma, so if you volunteer your time, either at the bar or cooking or many other ways, you get rewarded in Karma points which you can use to buy food and alcohol at the bar and kitchen run by Kontrapunkt.
The day after that and we were helping to host an peoples kitchen event and open bike fixing in the park. Many people came along to use kontrapunkts bike fixing tools which were transported in a bike trailer. Then the bike tour gave a short presentation about the tour, whic
h went well, and actually we met some people at this event who joined us for the bike tour when we left to Göteborg
Our hosts in Malmö were great and we had a lovely time, but we were happy to get out of the city on departure day – we originally planned to go back up the coast the way we came, but at the last minute we were recommended a small forest garden slightly inland who were happy for us to visit and stay the night so we changed or route slightly – the weather was warm, and we cycled through a small forest on the route, and passed by a lake, and arrived at the forest garden early evening.