Mud, rain and some bins full of food

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After Kurava, we had a really crazy cycling day. As it was already raining for the last several days, we were quiet happy that only little drops are falling from the sky. It almost felt like good wheather! (Actually our last host told us something that it would be the most rainy summer in latvia since 15 years…) But it was not cold, so who cares.

At some point there where some contruction-works on the road. Only one lane was free and cars where stopped by a traffic light. The one lane didn’t have concrete anymore and it was super muddy and had lots of holes by all the rain. (Me personally, I decided not to wait for the traffic-light to turn green because anyways it would be to short amount of time for cycling the thing and cars would already come from the other direction.) We had to reclaim our space against huge trucs and lots of cars. And then also rain got heavier. Some of us were totally covered in mud. Then we came to Talsi, where the construction side ended. And which was more or less our destiny. Just some more kilometers north out the city to put our tents.

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We checked the bins on our way and we were super successful! The big Maxima XX had everything for us, we needed. (check Talsi on the the place is marked!) The back-end of the air-conditioning was right above the dumpsters, drying and heating ourselves which was quite pleasant at that moment. Peaches, grapes, pears, tomatoes, beetroots, avocados, onions, peppers, carrots, zuccinis, aubergines, cucumbers,… It was so much that we could not carry it although everyone of us took at least one of these wooden boxes and the trailers took even more. So we carried on cycling, totally loaded and tired and wet in the rain and looked for a camping spot.

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But all was either swampy forest or fields. So we asked at a house whether we could camp on their meadow and the guy even invited us to camp in his garden. Then he had to leave for his night shift to work. His dog was barking at us constantly. Luckily he had some storage of dry wood that we could burn because it was impossible to access the forest. Everything was so wet and muddy… We were all hiding under our tarp, cooking our big haul. The rain rarely stopped. Well sometimes, I think there were no drops coming from upside but the air was so humid and the grass and everything so that it didn’t really matter.



Somehow it was a really nice day. The group faced and solved the problems successfully. We had a lot of sarcastic fun squished together under the tarp, eating our delicious trash!

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Next day it was almost not raining. Compared to other days at least… And when we arrived at the Botanigais Festival even the sun came out! We were so incredibly happy.



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