Abandoned kitties

When a group of five ecotopians went outside the city of Issac (40KM away from Montpellier) and saw three adorable abandoned kittens hidden in  bush they didn’t doubted and carried them on their bike, in a front basket covered by a wine box so they couldn’t jump off, unsure about what would happen next.

They arrived very late at the farm were we were staying overnight and some courageous catsitters spent a hard night listening to the meows of the scared and hungry kittens. Even though our hosts were not very excited about keeping one of the cats (because there is already a lot of wild cats in the area) they took one of them and cared about the monetary expenses, for the other two cute monsters the journey continued: participating in a critical mass and visiting the Mediterranean sea.

At that time it seemed like everybody had adopted them, they passed hand by hand and slept in the warm pockets and shirts of everybody. At the beach, after having eaten and drank milk, the kittens felt very energized and wanted to play all night with us. But travelling is something serious and our young guests were too weak for spending so many hours under the sun, even if we had prepared a spacious box and protected them from the sun with a wet towel on top.

Finally in Sète, after a quite emotive goodbye, we gave them to a small association  were they will bring them to the veterinary and find them a family. Maybe sometimes, on their cat dreams they will remember the adventure that they had with us on the beginning of their lives.

Sadly this is a situation that happened before, and will keeps happening on future biketours, There is too many irresponsible people out there that doesn’t take seriously enough the fact of having pets and don’t care about their lives.



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