From Can Decreix to Pujarnol

In between the projects of Can Decreix (not Candy Crush or Candid’s crash) we had 3 cycling days. The first one was all along the coast going up and down the cliffs and passing through little fishing villages. We left France and entered Catalunya by a mountain pass where we found a memorial about Spanish civil war. The first evening we were welcomed with full dumpsters that provided more than what 20 hungry cyclists can eat in a day. We had a feast in our wild camp, which was an old bunker with view on the sea.

The second cycling day was relaxing and flat, going on a lonely cycling path through green fields and along sandy beaches. Passing by an orchard we picked up a lot of apples for the next 32 meals.

Still with the apple taste on our mouths we were waken up by our friends and comrades: the police, who were there just on time for breakfast. Maybe they followed the arrows to our camp… They didn’t like us to take naked swims in the sea so we had to pack everything fast and start cycling much earlier than usual: at 11.Our bad luck continued with some flat tires and a fucking hateful uphill at the end. But then we were ready to spend 3 non cycling days in Pujarnol.

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