
Dear reader,

An elated time has passed since we left Urniza, and we’ve grown so beautiful that I can barely recall what it was like. It went somewhat like this: Tarara stepped on top of the dog’s shelter and onto the donkeys back, reaching and nibbling at the tree’s leaves. We knew she was a good climber, still we were amazed.

Txirindula’s portrait (Tarara, top right, under the tree – No, wait! That’s actually the donkey)

Making an effort to remember Urniza my mind slipped a bit and reminisced Martorell instead, my first day in Ecotopia. We were crossing the city when I felt like an organelle in a cell. For a moment I had the impression that I was part of this organism that fluidly crawled through the traffic. If too many cars got in-between us the membrane would break and create two smaller beings, Lino and I, with our own membrane and protoplasm, and the rest of the group; but as soon as we caught up we would all be one again.

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