It’s cold and wet

It is said that it is not good to believe in cliches. For this reason we went to check what is said about Scotland.

From Edinburgh to Glasgow, we had numerous chances to taste the lovely weather of this amazing country! When it was not raining, we were cycling uphill and downhill over and over again with the wind pushing against our unperturbed smiles. Only to arrive somewhere to cook under the tarp accompanied by the ceaseless choir of millions of midges.

We were wondering why last year we were around 40-50 ecotopians and this year we were not more than 15 in the top days when we crossed through the Highlands. Despite this, we manage to keep our hearts dry and warm and we become a nice and happy family who eventually develop an impressive rainproofness.

We cross the Cairngorms National Park, from Aberdeen to Inverness, with a song playing in our heads:

I like the rain, the rain, the rain, the rain!

I like the rain, the rain, the rain, the rain…


The song eventually changes, on our travel through the Loch Ness, the Loch Lochy and the Caledonian Canal until Fort Williams and becomes more complex:


Autumn in Scotland! It’s cold and wet, cold and wet!

Winter in Scotland! It’s cold and wet, cold and wet!

But then comes the Spring, which is cold and wet, cold and wet!

And finally! The summer! Which is also cold and wet, cold and wet!


Endless green hills, ships, cows, winding rivers, lakes and waterfalls, and not many, but incredibly generous and hospitable people. At last, we reach our final goal: Faslane Peace Camp and move on to Glasgow and Talamh housing co-op. And the best part of it all: the sun came again.

Lots of people were joining these days, but also some of them leave. And they rewrite one other song that appeared from time to time since we left Edinburgh a month ago.

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