EBT 2021 Organisation on the Way

Yes, we have started planning the 2021 Ecotopia Biketour. At this moment we can’t say how vagabond-friendly this summer will be but let’s hope we can push the pedals together again!

At this stage we are planning a winter meeting in March in norther Italy or Switzerland and we want everybody who is eager to organise it to be able to join it either physically or virtually. Since the current pandemic situation is going against the possibility to meet easily all together in one place we are considering also a hybrid kind of a meeting where people could meet locally in different regions following the local safety regulations and then they would join several online calls organised over one week to discuss different biketour-related topics, create working groups and decide together main directions for Ecotopia Biketour 2021.

At this moment we have weekly online calls each Sunday to discuss the planning of the winter meeting. Write to us at 2021@ecotopiabiketour.net and we will give you more details on how you can join us!

Good bike!

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