Ecotopia 2021 – Beginning in Praha

Hello Ecotopians!

After a year of break, the tour is back on the go again!

We began a few days ago in Praha, dwelling at K11 guesthouse which is a social center that hosts alternative bands and communities along the year.

first participants meeting

the living room we stay in

Bikes assembled for the tour!

The first day we visited “Bike Kitchen Praha” where we fixed and prepared our bikes for the tour, met the organizers who explained about the project and had some delicious local lemonade.

outside the Bike Kitchen

working on our bikes

On our way back we dumpster dived in the local market getting food for dinner.

first dive of the tour, delicious meal!

Today we had our first circle and meeting of the group, to get to know each other and to prepare future tasks:


Hope to see you on the road!


  1. Great to hear the ecotopia biketour is this year again n it’s wheels :D
    keep posting ;)

    may the Big Bicycle bless your way, and the wind blow on your back :D

    if someone is on the western side of europe, there is a climate camp against the lithium mines in portugal:

    we are organizing a small biketour there also:

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