The brand new ✨Ecotopia Orga Month✨

dear everyone!
we have some good news! some of us will meet next month for several weeks to do orga work like contacting projects, making a more concrete route, gathering equipment, creating tour info material, discussing topics like conflict resolution, awareness, the whiteness of ecotopia biketour and much more.
we will meet where last year’s tour started, in austria with some sweet friends of ecotopia. <3
wanna join us?
anyone can come! but we ask you to tell us beforehand when and for how long you’d like to join us because the place has limited capacities. we’ll then let you know about the exact location and how to get there. you can join anytime between the 5th and 31st of march, but please come for at least 4 days, otherwise it would be hard to find your way into the group and into orga tasks before leaving again.
if you want to come but money is keeping you, send us a text or mail, travel costs can be refunded!
we will do a bit of orga work everyday and this is also probably the best time to reach us and have ongoing conversations via the e-mail. ^^ but of course we will not do work all the time, we’ll also chill and hang out together, play games, share stories around the campfire, take walks in the forest, …
i don’t know about you but i’m personally very excited about this experience and hope we’ll get some things done while also having fun in a nice environment. this is kind of a test run of this kind of orga structure, so we’ll see how it goes.
see you soon or in the summer!


our posters and flyers will be designed by jonas goonface (@jonasgoonface on instagram) this year and as you can see it’s gonna be super cool!

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