Obituary: Strudel Apollo Sanchez Buchanan

Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest dostępny tylko w języku English, Български, Castellano, Deutsch, Ελληνικά, Français, Italiano, Македонски, Română i Türkçe . For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Strudel Apollo joined the Ecotopia Biketour on 18th August 2014. At 2 weeks old, this orphan kitten stole our hearts immediately. We decided to help this cat-like fellow, descendent of Alexander the Great, and find for him a new family. With a surprisingly uncanny resemblance to his adoptive…

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Per.ka – a real solution to the food crisis

Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest dostępny tylko w języku English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. The people of Per.ka spent some hours with us last Saturday morning talking about their organic community garden. It is an incredibly inspiring story in itself, and within which there are a fabric of individual’s stories. It all began only 3 years ago when people got together and decided they wanted space to grow things together in the city. They looked around a few places, but…

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Thessaloniki Programme

Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest dostępny tylko w języku English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Hi everyone!   Ecotopia Biketour arrives into Thessaloniki this evening at Per.ka, an ex-military camp, now a big organic community garden! Join us there to camp, or have a look at the schedule at activities we have planned which are open for anyone to join in! Day Activity Location Time Thursday Arrival at camp Set up tents Per.ka,military camp Karatasou Evening Friday Bike Fixing workshop…

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The beauty of a rainy summer in the Balkans

Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest dostępny tylko w języku English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. This summer has been uncharacteristically wet here. In both Bulgaria and Serbia, locals would expect to be sweating in the midday sun, not dripping from yet another unpredictable shower. Alas, it’s raining constantly. In Kosovo, a downpour on the first night almost caused a flood and another disrupted a open air workshop. Now, in Macedonia, all the rumours have been that a storm is coming any…

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The First Three Days in Sofia

Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest dostępny tylko w języku English, Български, Castellano, Deutsch, Ελληνικά, Français, Italiano, Македонски, Română i Türkçe . For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. The first of us arrived in Sofia on Thursday afternoon. After orientating ourselves, we were met at Eagle Bridge by a guy from Sofia Green Tours – a group of volunteers who give guided tours of the city by bike – and were shown our place to sleep…

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