Screengrabs of Slovenia scenery

I am leaving the bike tour today to travel on my own for two weeks. It has been an interesting journey, there were amazing memories such as dancing to a band called Bi Patriot? in a slovenian town near the Austrian border, playing bumper cars without electricity, many Radlers, interesting workshops and more. Anyway, I am uploading a screenshot of my facebook photos, the majority of them are from Slovenia, with the town of Maribor up the top, following the river from Maribor, and crossing the mountain pass into Austria and the view looking towards the Alps into Austria.

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Grenzen bürokratischer Ausrüstung und Bewegungsfreiheit

Da haben wir sie: Unsere eigene erste einschneidende (Staats-)Grenz-Erfahrung auf der Tour! Nicht, dass es in groesseren Gruppen nicht zu erwarten waere, dass irgendwer irgendwie geartete “falsche” Papiere dabei hat und beim Grenzuebertritt Probleme hat. Was nur verwunderte, war die Art des heute aufgetretenen Problems: Es handelte sich naemlich nicht um vergessene, verlorene oder nur noch wenige Tage gueltige Papiere auf der Seite unserer Teilnehmenden, sondern um einen unglaublichen materiellen Missstand am Grenzuebergang: Dort fehlten doch tatsaechlich die richtigen Stempel!!! Die Geschichte geht so: Am kleinen Grenzuebergang zwischen Slowenien und Kroatien in Dobova/Harmica ueberqueren diejenigen von uns, die EU-Dokumente haben,…

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CAAP – Centre for Autonomous Production and Active Citizens, Maribor

In Maribor we slept at the Pekarna Squat, a huge complex of bars, music rooms and an anarchist book shop. The following day we met local bike activists at the  CAAP,  – Centre for Autonomous Production and Active Ctizens, where we had the chance to look over our bikes in the DIY bike workshop,  were shown around the cooperative  including a seed library, seminar space, work with Roma communities and the acclaimed Urban Furows project. The centre wishes to promote sustainability, autonomy and active citizenship. One example was empowering people to do something about the issues that mattered to them.…

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Art Centre Slovenia…hey ho!

Art Centre Slovenia, a former Border Guard House, was another gem in our trip so far…nestled somewhere between the hills and fruit trees in a secluded part on the border of west Slovenia. We spent three glorious days here helping on the project, learning about the local struggle to keep the project from the eager grips of the municipalities, sampled the local produce from pumpkin seed oil to home grown vegetables from the centre and of course the local ale around the fire. We also had time for some of our own workshops: Most of the help needed was preparing…

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