Grenzen der Landmasse

Verknappung ueberall: Immer mehr fleischfressende Menschen und essensverbrennende “Bio”sprit-Motoren, sowie profitable Errichtung der Infrastruktur fuer erneuerbarer Energien auf eigentlichen Agrarflaechen lassen Land knapp werden und Preise in die Hoehe schnellen. Vom “Land Grabbing” ist schon seit einigen Jahren die Rede – jener neuesten Ausformung des Neo(-Neo?)-Kolonialismus, in dem sich transnationale Konzerne durch legale Vertraege billigst Flaechen in einkommensschwachen Staaten sichern und damit der lokalen Bevoelkerung die Grundlage zur Produktion eigener Nahrungsmittel rauben. Aber ist das nur im globalen Sueden so? Nein, keinesfalls! Was wir heute berichtet bekommen haben, passiert viel naeher: Die grenzverschuldete Aufteilung von Land in Ost-Deutschland (nach der…

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Finding Biketour and Connecting with Mambesak, African Refugees and Kreuzberg Activists – 13th July

The Morning I understand that biketour started very early but very well on Saturday; successful blocking a Nazi protest in Berlin. The Nazi supporters had to cancel their march after many people, including biketour participants, turned up to campaign against them. Das war gut! Mabesak & West Papua Beth and I did not meet up with biketour until after 1pm in front of the Lush shop in Friedichstrauss. Here Mabesak, West Papuan activists and musicians joined us to tell us about the persecution and genocide they currently face due to the 44 year Indonesian occupation of their country. West Papua…

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Grenzen in Berlin

Ost / West Wer in Berlin ueber die “Grenze” redet, meint damit meist jene Sektoren-Grenze der Alliierten, die zum groessten Teil mit der Berliner Mauer uebereinstimmte und 40 Jahre lang die gesamte Stadt entscheidend mitpraegte. Doch die Grenze zwischen Ost und West an sich ist nicht die einzige interessante Grenze, die sich in Berlin finden laesst… Antinukleare Zone Kreuzberg 1984 hat sich der (damalige) Stadtbezirk Kreuzberg “nuklearfrei” erklaert: Eine eher symbolische Geste des seit jener Zeit stark gruen gepraegten Bezirksparlaments. Und doch nicht ohne konkrete Auswirkungen – so unsichtbar und unbekannt diese Grenze auch ist. Auf Kreuzberger Boden duerfen keine…

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Open Event The Ecotopia Biketour – an activist community on wheels – will start its 24th yearly ride in Berlin this weekend! If you are interested in our project or theme, come and meet us at: XB – Liebig Liebigstrasse 34 10247 Berlin-Friedrichshain SATURDAY, 13-July 2013, 20:00 We’re going to present our project, this year’s route and theme – and you can meet the participants from all over the world! We’ll get more into detail about our theme of “Borders”: Screening a short film, comment it and discuss about what border issues are expecting to deal with on our route.…

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Berlin DIY Bike Workshops / Resources

In preparation for the Berlin Kick off days – we though we would share some resources with you! Here are some of the Berlin D.I.Y (Do It Yourself) bike workshops and collectives we have discovered so far! Rainbow Factory –  DIY, community HubSchrauber – die Fahrradfakultät –     DIY bike workshop, at University but open    030-2093-4169 Bike Surf Berlin – Free Bike Loans (short term), workshops, not for profit, 121 Alt jakob strase Uni Rad – DIY workshop at the Technical University Bike Aid – DIY Refugee Bike workshop Schwartz…

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Looking forward….

Hey, It’s not long now till the biketour wheels out of Berlin to adventures on and off the road, and I thought it might be nice to write a brief post as I’m getting ready! :) I heard about Ecotopia biketour last year around April, and decided to go later on in the summer that year after seeing all the lovely photos and experiences on the 2012 blog. Here’s one from a border crossing to go with this year’s theme: I hadn’t travelled around much with my bike in Europe before, and had never been touring, so I wasn’t sure…

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A short introduction to migration law in Europe

Since this year’s biketour theme is “borders” I thought it might be interesting to write a short introduction to migration law in Europe. I structured it as a tool for people to get acquainted with the legal side of border issues. I believe it’s very important that legal knowledge is open to all, instead of – as is often the case – the domain of “specialists.” The introduction gives an overview of the relevant legal instruments and where to find them (there are some hyperlinks in the pdf). It’s just an outline where it could easily be a book, but…

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Hot off your press!

Check out the Biketour Flyer / Poster design and get printing, cutting and distributing to groups, projects and networks that may be interested to join, or to follow us biketour on this blog. All the 2013 print material is here, including earlier versions. The final versions are “FLYER TO PRINT” and POSTER TO PRINT” All the original svg files are there so you can amend them yourself for T-Shirt / booklet / sticker designs to bring along!!

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