Looking Back: From Catalunya to France

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English. Pour le confort de l’utilisateur, le contenu est affiché ci-dessous dans une autre langue. Vous pouvez cliquer le lien pour changer de langue active. I had an amazing time on the bike tour, cycling and living with so many lovely people in this community on wheels was a great experience, and the projects I saw have inspired me. Visiting permaculture projects in Catalunya and France, our hosts gave us tours and talks about their farming techniques, as well as getting a chance to try the organic produce. These imags show the beautiful…

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Venezia: We have arrived!!!

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English. Pour le confort de l’utilisateur, le contenu est affiché ci-dessous dans une autre langue. Vous pouvez cliquer le lien pour changer de langue active. We have finally arrived to Venezia… Last Sunday, after around 3500 km(!) by bike through Catalunya, Southern France and Northern Italy and having visited more than 40 diferent projects and campaigns, we arrived in Venezia and joined other 300 people on an incredible Critical Mass into Venezia against the TAV and the Big Cruises in Venezia’s laguna. Inside Venezia city we ended up carrying our full-loaded bikes and…

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Decrescendo in Riviera

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Italiano. Pour le confort de l’utilisateur, le contenu est affiché ci-dessous dans une autre langue. Vous pouvez cliquer le lien pour changer de langue active. www.opzionezero.org www.mira2030.it

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Cycling on…

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English. Pour le confort de l’utilisateur, le contenu est affiché ci-dessous dans une autre langue. Vous pouvez cliquer le lien pour changer de langue active. After 3 weeks of pedalling we left Ecotopia Biketour in Torino. We’re not quite sure why – the tour goes on for a few more weeks so we must have got our dates wrong! We arrived back to Manchester very cold and confused, but we were picked up straight away by the strength of our cycling community here. The Critical Mass the day after we got back was…

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D’Asti à Bologne

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English. Pour le confort de l’utilisateur, le contenu est affiché ci-dessous dans une autre langue. Vous pouvez cliquer le lien pour changer de langue active. From Asti we had an easy but dull ride on the flat. The roads were poorly maintained and full of long crack, sometimes wider than my tires. In the distance we could see the mountain and that were we were heading. Inevitably our final destination required us to scale a massive hill. For ages we climbed and climbed, it seemed to never end. I stopped to eat figs…

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What have I learnt from the tour?

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English. Pour le confort de l’utilisateur, le contenu est affiché ci-dessous dans une autre langue. Vous pouvez cliquer le lien pour changer de langue active. As my month of sunkissed, intense Ecotopia draws to a close, I’ve found myself wondering: have I changed as a person? For better, for worse? The more I wonder, the clearer the answer: yes, Sam, of course you’ve changed for the better, Now you have a deep, hot, glowing tan. A tan over the forearms, and even on the underside of the forearms. A tan on the back,…

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