Biketour diary: The first week

9.7.Veles -Teovo After Emil saw us off in Veles, we cycled a quiet road to Teovo, enjoying a dip in a beautiful and cool B… river on the way and again on reaching the village. In Teovo we slept in the charming village school (picture) which, unfortunately, isn’t being used as there are not enough children in the village. We cooked lunch in church kitchen where we had the luxury of eating out of plates and in the evening we were invited for rakija and meze (a range of cold snacks served with rakija) at a local’s house. Our hearts…

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The Smelter of Veles

On the 7th and 8th of July the biketour visited the town of Veles. Veles is well know for it is high level of pollution. The pollution is mainly due to a very old iron smelter build in the early seventies by a German company. The smelter produced high polluted smoke which is blown by the wind in the direction of the town of Veles. What impacts the health of Veles’ people even wore is a big hill of heavy metal dust laying a round next to the old factor. The factory is close now for 5 years, but the…

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Biketour update for 2009-07-08

Video Veles Kaputt: Tomorrow we’ll cycle by the smelter. # Video Veles Kaputt: Tomorrow we cycle by the smelter. # Oops… the translation for the website works again – thanks Matthew! – and we can send sms again! # Mooi, vertaling van de website werkt weer (thanks Matthew!) en we kunnen weer sms’en! # Just had talk and film screening of « Veles Kaputt » with Greenpower in Veles. Were staying at Veles lake, 10 km North of Veles. # twitter doesn’t seem to work from our macedonian phone, so swiching back to bosnian #

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Cars vs. pedestrians in Belgrade

First, Biketour participants gathered at Belgrade from 5th to 6th of July. At Knez Mihalova in pedestrian zone together with Green Youth, Young Researchers of Serbia and Yugo Cycling Campaign we organized a street promotion of « walkmobile – sustainable pedestrian vehicle » for the public. We distributed numerous leaflets with info about advantages of alternative modes of transport compared to personal care use. After the action Biketour get on the night train towards Skopje. See more pictures from Milan here.

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