one week on the road…

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. On tuesday morning, the group woke up early and left Kan Pascual. Happily rolling down the Collserola mountain to visit a nice ecological farm, Cal Rosset, that produces for consumer cooperatives in Barcelona. We then followed the Llobregat river by a dirt road, got some fruits from some locals on Martorrell and followed the national road the rest of the day, arriving in Ca La Fou on…

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An introduction to Ca La Fou

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Ca La Fou is an ambitious ‘eco-industrial postcapitalist colony’, a day’s cycle outside barcelona. The group first visited this site in october 2010, and only moved here in july 2011. The enormous space was bought as a housing cooperative by the group with a loan from an ecological bank and support from a wider network. It was originally a ‘colonia,’ a factory workhouse dating back to the…

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An introduction to Kan Pasqual

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Kan Pascual was originally occupied by a group of students and young people who were occupying various places in the late 90’s. They were interested in primitivism and the zapatista movement, and they began living basic with wood fires. They use solar energy complimented by wind energy – a combination which serves them well. They have experimented with biogas from the manure of their neighbour’s horses.…

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An introduction to Can Masdeu

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Can Masdeu is an abandoned leprosy hospital in a nature reserve on the outskirts of barcelona. Building and surrounding land was occupied in 2001 by a group of 7 people and slowly transformed into a social centre, allotments and a home. The building itself is owned by ‘hospital de la pau’ – a combination of public and private bodies including the council, the hospital and the…

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The biketour has finally started

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. The first people were meeting on friday, preparing the camp at Can Masdeu and later joined the biggest Critical Mass ever in Barcelona. On saturday more people arrived constantly. For about three hours, Biciclot offered us their workshop, tools, spare parts and knowledge in order to prepare our bicycles for the tour. Since there is a water shortage (it’s summer and it’s the mediterranean!) and the…

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Bon Voyage Ecotopia Biketour

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English y Italiano. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Ecotopia Biketour is now on the road and we are looking forward to all our adventures together! The shiny new biketour booklet 2012 is ready, print off a copy and bring it with you. We also have a day-by-day calendar and a page on which projects/campaigns we are visiting so you can see where we are and…

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Lunes 9 de Julio: Bicicletada en Defensa de Collserola i contra Eurovegas

Què? Bicicletada reivindicativa Quan? Dilluns 9 de juliol 10h. Sortida des de Can Masdeu 12h. Vallvidrera, Pl. Mont d’Orsà (s’informarà breument de l’estat actual de les lluites en defensa de Collserola i contra Eurovegas). 14h. Dinar popular a Kan Pasqual (porta alguna cosa de menjar per compartir). Aquesta bicicletada popular i reivindicativa coincidirà amb la primera etapa del Ecotopia Biketour 2012, una marxa cicloactivista que anirà de Barcelona a Venècia passant per projectes, comunitats, lluites i iniciatives catalanes, franceses i italianes relacionades amb el decreixement.

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Celebra el inicio del Biketour, 8 de julio en Can Masdeu 10.30 – 19.00h

Ven a conocer Ecotopia Biketour, aprende sobre el decrecimiento y ayúdarnos a celebrar el principio de nuestro viaje en bicicleta decrecentista de 2.000km desde Barcelona a Venecia, ¡que empieza el día después! Ecotopia Biketour es una comunidad activista, ecologista, nómada y auto-gestionada, que atraviesa Europa cada verano sobre ruedas. Este año, nuestra ruta nos lleva a través de Cataluña, el sur de Francia y el norte de Italia, y nos centramos en el tema de decrecimiento, plantando cara a la perniciosa mentalidad que, centrada en el crecimiento capitalista, omite valores sociales y medioambientales reales. Visitaremos proyectos, colectivos y personas que…

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