2 days, 180 km, 3 punctures, 1 thunderstorm

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English. Voor het gemak van de kijker, is de inhoud hieronder weergegeven in de alternatieve taal. Je kunt klikken op de link om naar de actieve taal over te schakelen. After having survived the hippie-festival the biketour was heading Riga. We had 2 days to make the ~170km. Quiet tough, regarding that normally, we do normally between 40 and 80 kilometers per day… But we had a good road and not really any questions about the way. Just all the time along the coast. Never ending pinewoods on both sides of the…

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Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English. Voor het gemak van de kijker, is de inhoud hieronder weergegeven in de alternatieve taal. Je kunt klikken op de link om naar de actieve taal over te schakelen. On the long cycling days… you might find yourself talking about anything and everything with your companions for the day. One topic that came up was STUFF. some people seemed to have just 2 bike bags and nothing else, some people have entire trailers for their pet (see past posts with the dog!) whilst some people seemed to be balancing half a…

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between Tartu and Tallinn for loans

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English. Voor het gemak van de kijker, is de inhoud hieronder weergegeven in de alternatieve taal. Je kunt klikken op de link om naar de actieve taal over te schakelen.   Here some late impressions from the last bit:     In Estonia some people build houses and boats with local material and traditional knowledge for get a 300 dollar loan online right now.   … use small and big rocket stoves…          … and transform trash to art.   We cycled under wild skies …   … drove past buildings…

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Links #7: Futuristic bus, Pool noodle, TVs on bike packages, Lorries in London, Critical Mass arrests in Minsk

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English. Voor het gemak van de kijker, is de inhoud hieronder weergegeven in de alternatieve taal. Je kunt klikken op de link om naar de actieve taal over te schakelen. Futuristic Chinese Bus Concept Cyclist says his pool noodle makes Toronto streets safer for him Bike manufacturer sees huge reduction in delivery damage by printing TV on the box Thousands of lorries to be banned from London for cyclist safety Minsk: Court sentences Critical Mass cycling event arrestee to 2 years in jail

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Hippiefestival with strange views

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English en Deutsch. Voor het gemak van de kijker, is de inhoud hieronder weergegeven in de standaard taal van deze site. Je kunt op een van de koppelingen klikken om de taal van de site naar een andere beschikbare taal te veranderen. Hello dear reader! Lukas is reporting from Latvia: A festival was recommended to us, a gathering of different eco-communities in Mazirbe at the seaside. Sounds not bad, we thought at spontaneaosly rearranged our schedule. This detour fitted very well, because we anyways wanted to cycle more. We were on a…

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Tartu-City of apples -> How to do apple-recycling and more dumpsterdive

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English. Voor het gemak van de kijker, is de inhoud hieronder weergegeven in de alternatieve taal. Je kunt klikken op de link om naar de actieve taal over te schakelen. As we really enjoyed our time visiting lots of interesting places around Tartu, we decided to leave a new post to share some stuff we really considered to be worth mentioned here. We came to visit an selforganized garden-project, called “Vaksali kogukonna aed”. They are located at a nice spot next to the mainrailwaystation. The place is surrounded by an old building…

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Mud, rain and some bins full of food

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English. Voor het gemak van de kijker, is de inhoud hieronder weergegeven in de alternatieve taal. Je kunt klikken op de link om naar de actieve taal over te schakelen. After Kurava, we had a really crazy cycling day. As it was already raining for the last several days, we were quiet happy that only little drops are falling from the sky. It almost felt like good wheather! (Actually our last host told us something that it would be the most rainy summer in latvia since 15 years…) But it was not…

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Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English. Voor het gemak van de kijker, is de inhoud hieronder weergegeven in de alternatieve taal. Je kunt klikken op de link om naar de actieve taal over te schakelen. We met quite a bunch of nice alternative minded people on the Sapfo-Festival. Most of them didn’t even understand the concept of travelling by bike. How can you carry all the stuff that you need? The festival happened 45km far from Kaunas where many people  who joined the festival live. Only two of them arrived by bike. In Kaunas, lets better call…

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