Ecotopia?? Tell us what you think about our name

Ecotopia?? One of the topics that came up during the meeting in December 2023 was about the name of the biketour. More specifically, if we want to change it. The name has a lot of history – it was first used as a name of a bus tour and later gathering from many years ago, starting in 1986, then a biketour was attached to the gathering in 1990, and then the gathering stopped happening in 2008, and since then there is just the biketour! This isn’t the first time we have discussed the idea of changing the name. It has…

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Winter Meeting Updates

Coucou! Our first Orga meeting is over and thought we could give you an update of some of the things that we have been discussing. This is a rather long post, as we have covered several big topics.  Would be amazing if you had the time to read through all of it, but if it’s too much, here’s a list of the article’s content: — Route for 2024 — QINTAW start — Orga Structure — Conflict Resolution — The Use of Alcohol and Other Substances — Changing the Name …?         Where to….? You’re probably curious where…

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