We have route!

  In 2023 we are travelling from Welten to Bucharest! We will be visiting the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair in Ljubliana (Slovenia) and then head towards Romania, passing through Croatia and Serbia. Along the route we will be visiting several hosting projects, ending the tour in Bucharest. In the first 4 weeks of the tour, we will be inviting all QINTAW people (queer, inter, non-binary, trans, agender and women) and ask endo-cis-hetero men to join from Novi Sad onwards. We are super excited to bike in Eastern Europe. And we are still keeping our eyes open for projects, so if you…

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EBT 2021 Organisation on the Way

Yes, we have started planning the 2021 Ecotopia Biketour. At this moment we can’t say how vagabond-friendly this summer will be but let’s hope we can push the pedals together again! At this stage we are planning a winter meeting in March in norther Italy or Switzerland and we want everybody who is eager to organise it to be able to join it either physically or virtually. Since the current pandemic situation is going against the possibility to meet easily all together in one place we are considering also a hybrid kind of a meeting where people could meet locally…

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Tour to Magari

Hello riders, A few of us are embarking on a decentralized bike tour in France this summer! We will be meeting in Creuse on July 27th and explore some of the nearby regions (Creuse, Auvergne). The main part of the tour will last until the end of August. We are in the process of forming a group to start (or join) an intentional community, so this trip will be a way to look for places and opportunities and also to spend a lot of time together to discuss our common vision. This is not a replacement for Ecotopia but many…

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Ecotopia Bike-Quarantine-tour(s)

Slowly the humanity is being allowed little by little to sniff around again outside their caves. As if spring was blossoming outside, neighbors are getting awaken from a long nap and sticking out their necks through the door frames for the first time in a while. Whoah! Things we were watching behind windows are actually tangible. Grass is wet, earth is cold, flowers smell. Tiny kids are crazily invading parks, running around trees and thanking their luck to be not any more in front of the screens. Elders can promenade again, sitting on benches to take their precious sunbathing and…

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We have a rough route for 2020! Balkans, we’re coming!

This summer, for the 30th time, we’re heading off on another bike tour adventure – we’re inviting you to suggest interesting projects and events, help out with the organising, and of course, to join us!! After having spent three summers in Western Europe, we want to cycle to the Balkans this year (July-mid September). The idea is to end the bike tour in Timisoara at the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair in the >mid-end of September. We are looking for projects and events that can host us and help with suggestions in the territory of so-called Czech, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina,…

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Spring meeting 2014 in Thessaloniki: Kick start to Biketour 2014 planning

The Biketour Spring meeting took place from 13 to 16 March in Thessaloniki. We were hosted in a social center called Scholeio (http://sxoleio12.wordpress.com/), a former school which was squatted after being closed. The contacts to this place had been established by some people from biketour 2013 who continued from our endpoint in Cluj all the way to Thessaloniki. They held a presentation about ecotopia biketour there past November, so we were already known and quickly welcomed to hold the spring meeting in this lively place. Some biketour feeling came up with collective cooking of delicious, vegan, predominantly organic, meals that…

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Join the Biketour Soli Party in Vienna on JUN 7th!

Maalesef, biz Türkçesine bu metni tercüme değil. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. SOLI EVENT IN THE REALM OF GASSENausZUCKER PARTY IN RAGNARHOF : DELICIOUS PASTRY FOR THE 2013 ECOTOPIA BIKETOUR FRI, 7 June 2013, 9 pm.ff., Grundsteingasse 12, 1160 Wien Come with empty stomachs and pockets full of coins to support the “Ecotopia Biketour” project all night long in Ragnarhof next Friday. EBT is a bike tour, which rides throught Europe on a…

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Borders Boundaries and Beyond!: Biketour 2013 get organised…

Maalesef, biz Türkçesine bu metni tercüme değil. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. The Ecotopia Biketour Collective united from all corners of Europe for the annual ‘Winter Meeting’ – aptly named due to the location this year in snowy Berlin! We set up camp for the weekend at the Kubiz social centre in true Biketour style, where 12 of us began planning and debating the practical and more theoretical elements of organising this years tour… In…

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