Biketour update for 2009-07-26 – Shkodër is the bike-capital of Albania! # Seems like Shkodra has quickly overcome its nuclear threat, biketour taking it easy # – Shkodër is the bike-capital of Albania! # Seems like Shkodra has quickly overcome its nuclear threat, biketour taking it easy #
Afternoon in Kruje, night at beach of Tale. Tomorrow: Shkoder… #
Thursday we promote with ECAT bikelanes of Tirana. Meet up@11@Tiran # a-Durrës autostrada #
Were in Durrës. Tonite at 8 film screening on TEC Porto Romano #
We have a restday at the beach near Spille. Monday towards Durrës, # Tuesday action there #
Biketour has entered Albania. Use our albanian number to contact us. # Getting ready to cross the border into Albania #
Cooking@the kitchen of pupins house (Пупина куќа) in Vevcani, going up to the mountain hut when its a bit less hot. Tomorrow: Albania. #
Were staying the night, camping in Ohrid. Tomorrow on to ekovillage Vevcani. #