Climate activists in front of Danish Embassy in Brussels

From De wereld van morgen (The world of tomorrow) Brussel – Enkele tientallen activisten protesteerden woensdag voor de Deense ambassade in Brussel. Ze eisen de onmiddellijke stopzetting van de juridische vervolging van zeven klimaatactivisten. De zeven activisten namen deel aan acties tijdens de Klimaattop in Kopenhagen afgelopen december. Volgens de actievoerders is deze vervolging een criminalisering van de milieubeweging.

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Groenfront and Stop-AWACS

Groenfront and Stop-AWACS campaign at the forests of Schinveld The Association STOP awacs is a dutch organisation of about 450 local members from eastern South-Limburg that fights against the noise nuisance caused by AWACS surveillance aircraft. For 26 years the Association STOP awacs, in collaboration with other groups, has been organising actions against the presence of the 17 AWACS surveillance planes (a derivative of Boeing 707 civil airplanes) that are stationed at the NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen in Germany, very close to the Dutch border. The NATO uses this base solely as a training site. to train pilots. That means…

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Buitenring Parkstad

Buitenring Parkstad: the unnecessary and destructive plan of a 4-lane highway While population is decreasing and newborn business parks in the area are barely getting into use, politicians don’t seem to stop thinking in terms of growth and hold on to prestigious constructions plans… for, it seems, whatever might be the costs.

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Biketour 2010 is actually happening right now!!!!!! by Yo

Biketour 2010 started one week ago and altough you are most likely not there when reading this, you might be conscious of this and willing to get an update… Here it comes. You are welcome to react with thoughts/ideas/suggestions! We were and are about 12-14 participants up to now, if i counted well… The numbers change constantly, as sometimes some people decide to stay somewhere a bit longer and join us again later. This first week we took part in the critical mass of London and cycled from Darlington, via Botton to York. In York we took part in the…

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Wintermeeting in Mainz

Next weekend from 6th to 7th of February at Mainz we are having a Biketour preparation winter meeting. Laura, Moritz, Yolanda, Sapi, Milan… and I don’t how much people will gather there to start the preparation of this year Biketour 2010. But more important is that those who will not be able to come give their ideas as the input for the brainstorming about many issues which are essential for the preparation of Biketour 2010.

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Biketour a la côte d’Albanie

mardi 21 juillet reveil avec vue sur les bunkers a moitie immerges, petit dejeuner de spaghettis de la veille et depart tout en douceur, entre sable et Air (fond sonore grace a Nils) sur la `plage generale` menant a Durres suivi d un rapide virage vers la route principale… les carioles et le sable ne font pas bon menage,,,, mais les camions la poussiere et les travaux ne nous rejouissent pas plus….nous revoila jettes dans l enfer urbain et je regrette le calme du bord de mer… l entree a Durres n est pas non plus relaxante… nous slalomons entre…

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