Fryma e ajrit të pastër

Ne jemi Ecotopia Bike Tour, një grup mderkombëtar nga 11 vende, që qarkullojmë nëpër Ballkan. Qëllimi ynë ëstlitë të rrisim ndërgjegjësimin mjedisor. Elbasani ëslitë qyteti më i ndotur i Ballkanit Perëndimor. Kjo ndotje ka shumë pasoja për popullsinë këtu dhe shëndetin e tyre. Tre operatorë të mëdhenj, i çelikut, çimentos dhe ferrokromit shkaketojnë ndotjen me të madhe dhe nuk zbatojne ligjin mjedisor shqiptar.

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additional diary 16th-20th of July, Albania

Thursday 16th of July: crossing the border, Albania here we come! We left Ohrid to meet up at Radožda – which according to the map would be on our road but was 2 km out of it, so that some were there, and all others arrived at the border crossing for a long lunch. When we got all together we passed the border and enjoyed a long, long downhill with a stop in Përrenjas – where Daniel made the local kids very happy with some acrobatics. After we continued a bit more, following the main way and the -still very…

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Biketour diary: The first week

9.7.Veles -Teovo After Emil saw us off in Veles, we cycled a quiet road to Teovo, enjoying a dip in a beautiful and cool B… river on the way and again on reaching the village. In Teovo we slept in the charming village school (picture) which, unfortunately, isn’t being used as there are not enough children in the village. We cooked lunch in church kitchen where we had the luxury of eating out of plates and in the evening we were invited for rakija and meze (a range of cold snacks served with rakija) at a local’s house. Our hearts…

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Cars vs. pedestrians in Belgrade

First, Biketour participants gathered at Belgrade from 5th to 6th of July. At Knez Mihalova in pedestrian zone together with Green Youth, Young Researchers of Serbia and Yugo Cycling Campaign we organized a street promotion of «walkmobile – sustainable pedestrian vehicle» for the public. We distributed numerous leaflets with info about advantages of alternative modes of transport compared to personal care use. After the action Biketour get on the night train towards Skopje. See more pictures from Milan here.

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Bringing your bike

Bikes can be brought by bus and train. (Inter)national busses will charge 1 or 2 euro for it, just as with other luggage items. Drivers/conductors might have trouble with the bike (which takes too much space, is in the way while it’s high season, etc.) It might be worth your while to go to the bus station some days in advance (if possible) to make sure the bus driver whos will drive the route, is prepaired to take your bike. On Serbian railway ticket for bike costs €10 euro, but over the border Macedonian conductors tend to make trouble about…

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Travelling tips

If you are looking for some advice how to get to us affordably, check out some resources at: the EYFA wiki. A participant made a group for the biketour on the Hospitality club, maybe it can be an aid during traveling.

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De Ecotopia-Biketour

De Ecotopia-Biketour Met welk milieuprobleem heb je als kind nu het meest te maken? Bij mij was dat in elk geval de auto. Auto’s verstoorden voortdurend het buitenspelen en autowegen bedierven de naburige bossen. Fietsen, da’s juist leuk. Het is dan ook geen wonder dat ik via een fietstocht in contact kwam met de milieubeweging. Jongeren Milieu Aktief heeft een paar keer een ‘jongerenmilieufietstocht’ georganiseerd. Met een grote groep in een grote sliert of blok van de ene naar de andere plaats, het rijden geeft al veel bekijks, en dan in de halteplaatsen acties, vaak in de vorm van straattheater,…

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