What to pack/check for the EBT(24)?

…And why bother so much with preparing, btw? You’re not gonna regret it and you’ll have better time and less worries. How much prepare, it depends on for how long (mind, some ppl stay long than planned; myself, many weeks longer), in what areas and time of the season you wanna ride. Specifically for ’24 in the north-east Europe… Amidst summer and beatiful nature, expect some rains at times probably, winds when close to the sea (and extra UV on the very coast), mosquitos, perhaps a tiny bit of gravel/mud/sand here and there; temperatures may vary greatly (even more speaking…

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Melon melon! Sweet memories from the summer…

Tämä teksti on valitettavasti saatavilla vain kielillä: English, Castellano, Deutsch, Français ja Italiano. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Here is the result of a few sessions joyfully reminiscing and picking my favourite few hundred photos (out of thousands) which were taken over our two and a half month journey. From my room here in Edinburgh the tales of adventure we had last summer seem a lot further away than I would like them to be,…

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Cerciamo coordinatori locali!

Stiamo cercando volontari per essere coordinatori locali in Italia per l’Ecotopia Biketour 2011! I coordinatori locali saranno resposabili per il percorso, o almeno una parte di esso, in una specifica regione. Stiamo ultimando l’organizazione del Biketour in questi giorni. Quest’anno il tour sarà attraverso l’Italia, qui(link) è disponibile il percorso che abbiamo pianificato. Nonostante organizzare un porgetto del genere sia molto divertente, è comunque un impegno serio. I partecipanti (stimati tra i 20 e i 40), infatti, faranno affidamento su ciò che avrete deciso e stimato in fase di organizzazione. Per maggiorni informazioni sul Biketour, come funziona e dove è…

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Call-out for local co-ordinators

We are looking for volunteers to be Local Co-ordinators of the Ecotopia Biketour 2011 in Italy! See Italian version here The Local coordinator[s] will be responsible for the route in one region or at least a part of it. Preparation of the biketour is under way now. This year the tour will go trough Italy. You can see the planned route here Although organising such a project is fun, it is a serious commitment, as all the participants [estimating 20-40 at any one time] will rely upon on the decisions and estimations made during the preparation.

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Ecotopia Biketour 2011

Sustainable Agriculture And Food Sovereignty, Italy, 26th July- 31th of August 2011 We are pleased to inform you that Ecotopia Biketour 2011 will be in Italy from the 26th of July until the 31th of August. The main theme of the tour is sustainable agriculture. Throughout our wonderful route we shall visit ecofarms and natural reservations,  communes with ecofriendly communities and active cyclist groups, and be nourished by a healthy vegetarian/vegan menu made from tasty Mediterranean fare. At the end of the Ecotopia Bike tour we will have been able, through our experiences and involvement, to compose an informed picture…

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The World of Bicycle Gangs: more than just a sustainable version of the Hells Angels

Bicycle Gangs can take the form of a community of convinced environmental activists travelling across Europe for a few months, others call themselves a „worldwide drinking club with a bicycle problem” (Chopadeiros). One thing the Ecotopia biketour , which is conquering Europe regularly since 1989, and not only the Chopadeiros but also their Russian associates RASTA Bike (Russian Association of Self-made Transport Appliances) have in common is the extremely sustainable way they cruise around. Another thing is fun, naturally. Yet, the Ecotopia biketour is a “eco-mobile do-it-yourself activist community”, whose way of living together comes closest to a commune. RASTA…

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