Εκμηδενίζοντας τα σύνορα και συνδέοντας αγώνες και συλλογικότητες με ένα ποδήλατο

Ecotopia Biketour? Όταν η φίλη μου η Κλαίρη μου πρωτομίλησε γι’ αυτό πριν από περίπου 3 χρόνια, την κοίταξα με γουρλωμένα μάτια και της είπα: Υπέροχη ιδέα, αλλά μου φαίνεται πολύ δύσκολο να καταφέρουμε να κάνουμε κάτι τέτοιο! Φέτος, μερικά χρόνια και αρκετά ποδηλατικά χιλιόμετρα αργότερα, ξαναθυμήθηκα για το Ecotopia Biketour με αφορμή το φετινό τους ταξίδι που είχε προγραμματισθεί να γίνει στη γειτονιά μας, στα νότια Βαλκάνια και στην Ελλάδα, ενώ η διοργάνωση και η προετοιμασία να έχουν έδρα τη Θεσσαλονίκη. Ψάχνοντας περισσότερες πληροφορίες στην ιστοσελίδα τους ανακάλυψα ότι πρόκειται για μια αυτοοργανωμένη κολεκτίβα ανθρώπων που κάθε χρόνο ταξιδεύουν…

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The beauty of a rainy summer in the Balkans

This summer has been uncharacteristically wet here. In both Bulgaria and Serbia, locals would expect to be sweating in the midday sun, not dripping from yet another unpredictable shower. Alas, it’s raining constantly. In Kosovo, a downpour on the first night almost caused a flood and another disrupted a open air workshop. Now, in Macedonia, all the rumours have been that a storm is coming any minute now! Yet, being who we are, we decided to look on the bright side of things. So here are ten reasons why we are HAPPY it is so damn rainy! 1 Water sources…

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Foreigners with puppy stray among protesters (Video)

Ecotopia Biketour made it on the news today, although in a very unusual way: Three foreigners with bikes made ​​the usual iconography of Friday protests in Skopje. They were cycling around Bit market today and suddenly found themselves amidst the protesters, wondering where they had gotten lost. Organizers of the protests and police quickly pointed out that they should get on the road. Translation by Google Translate News link, YouTube link

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The power of personal connections

One lesson for Biketour organising out of 2024 is how much personal connections matter. For people involved in the process could see a clear distinction between project visits that had been arranged only via online-communication and those where we were able to meet the people beforehand. Very special were those where people very actively welcomed us because participants from Biketour 2013 had afterwards spent some months there. One such place was AKSC and other groups in Skopje, Makedonija – another one Rovies in Greece. By spending the winter in Skopje and afterwards the first month of Biketour 2014 organising in…

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