Missing the Flixbus to Tallinn – Europe in a nutshell

Passed the despair of missing the only direct Flixbus from Berlin to Tallinn (22h), Galina and I decided to make new friends. If you ever feel lonely in your travels, Flixbus stations are the right place to make new friends: you share the frustration of your bus being delayed, the joy of being able to fit your bicycle in the back, you get to chat about the place people are leaving or the one they’re going to -I even managed once to convince the person sitting next to me to book an appointment with a therapist (it took more than…

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Sleepover Time, Bicycle Repair and Prison Abolition – Turku 06.07.-09.07.2024

we arrived in turku fashionably chaotic and one day late during the afternoon and evening. a very sweet person from ABC showed us around. if you have never been to a bikekitchen: imagine a place that is only about bicycles. there were wheels hanging from the ceiling in all sizes and shapes, some empty bicycle frames scattered in between. on the walls hung front forks in shiny metallic colours like garlands, stood shelves with front racks, backracks, tubes, gears, tools and more parts. some cables sticking out over here, piles of boxes with screws over there. Turun Pyöräpaja (Turku Bike…

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Difficult Times – Helsinki to Turku 01.07.-06.07.2024

i think we like to keep it fresh and lighthearted here on the blog. and it’s true that even the more difficult periods of ecotopia are aften funny or at least make a good story when you look back at them. to quote a good ol‘ proverb: bad news make a good story. but let’s not make it sound prettier than it was this time. the first two cycling days were HARD, chaotic and utterly exhausting. one person had a bad bicycle accident in helsinki on the day before we started and looked r o u g h, wounds and…

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TeleGram channel of Ecotopia

Hey, so there it is, better late than never maybe. In the future it might get multi-lingual t.me/EBTecotopiabiketour This channel is notoriously late, chaotic, neglected. It’s actually better to come check out than to read. Smtms we don’t have enough internets (or electricity), sometimes too much of it, and anyway it’s mostly meant as ‚counter‘ to ’social‘ media.

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