A thank you note

This is a lengthy goodbye letter that I hadn’t had time to write before I left the tour and a thank you note that has been brewing in my head for the last two months and now it has turned into an emotional account of how I felt during and after the bike tour. I didn’t get enough of Ecotopia goodness and the regret over the fact that I could have stayed longer and didn’t, still haunts me. I have no photos to accompany the text but following Charlie’s blog post I’ll attach a song too – one that’s way…

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Това не е на разположение на български For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. ( This blog post is set to the sound of this song – https://zdradapalki.bandcamp.com/track/dumpster-diva ) http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dumpster+Diva – Dumpster Diva definition Noun: A gorgeous dumpster diver possessing excellent diving skills. A teacher and leader in the movement against waste. Someone who brings the truth of horrific waste to the forefront of the movement against poverty. Usually has a side-kick with her so she can carry more and dive safely…

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