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Another week full of warm hospitality while cycling in italy…
Ecotopia Biketour salvó a las bicicletas
Hallada fosa común en Barcelona con 234.576 cadáveres “El Ecotopiabiketour salvó las bicicletas” Venezia 17 de Septiembre 2012 No son víctimas de la guerra civil española. Los restos encontrados en la sierra de Collserola (Barcelona) son mucho más antiguos. Paleontólogos de La Sorbonne los han sometido a las pruebas de carbono-14 y han llegado a la sorprendente conclusión de que remontan 250.000 años atrás, a la época en que se data convencionalmente la aparición del Homo Sapiens. Más sorprendente aún, no se trata de restos humanos sino de esqueletos de… bicicletas. En el límite del Plioceno y del Pleistoceno existió…
Looking Back: From Catalunya to France
Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. I had an amazing time on the bike tour, cycling and living with so many lovely people in this community on wheels was a great experience, and the projects I saw have inspired me. Visiting permaculture projects in Catalunya and France, our hosts gave us tours and talks about their farming techniques, as well as getting a chance to try the organic produce. These imags show…
Venezia: We have arrived!!!
Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. We have finally arrived to Venezia… Last Sunday, after around 3500 km(!) by bike through Catalunya, Southern France and Northern Italy and having visited more than 40 diferent projects and campaigns, we arrived in Venezia and joined other 300 people on an incredible Critical Mass into Venezia against the TAV and the Big Cruises in Venezia’s laguna. Inside Venezia city we ended up carrying our full-loaded…