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Join us this summer – register now!
Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Castellano, Français und Italiano verfügbar. Der Inhalt wird in der Standard-Sprache dieser Website angezeigt. Sie können einen Link anklicken, um zu einer anderen verfügbaren Sprache zu wechseln. (for versions of this text in other languages click here) Ecotopia Biketour 2012: Towards Degrowth (6th July – 19th September) – Join us! We are very pleased to announce that registration for the biketour 2012 is open! The Ecotopia Biketour is an eco-mobile do-it-yourself activist community which cycles through Europe each summer. This year our journey takes us through Catalonia, the South of France and Northern…
One month on…
Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English, Castellano und Français verfügbar. Der Inhalt wird in der Standard-Sprache dieser Website angezeigt. Sie können einen Link anklicken, um zu einer anderen verfügbaren Sprache zu wechseln. Hello ecotopia biketour friends, João and Alice, our international coordinators, have been in Barcelona for one month already, they have had many incredible adventures and felt like blogging about what they’ve been up to: We have spent the first few weeks mainly trying to get contacts (an endless task) and looking for concrete places and projects to pass by. We have been working out important dates (registration,…
Get ready for BT 2012 – ‚towards degrowth‘
You will be happy to hear that preparations for the 22nd Ecotopia Biketour are now in motion and we would like to invite you to get involved. From July to September, Ecotopia Biketour will cycle from Catalonia to Italy, connecting projects, sharing skills, confronting destructive development and living as an eco-mobile action community. Our theme this year is degrowth and we plan to visit permaculture farms, D.I.Y bike workshops, protest camps, ecovillages, intentional communities, ecological/cycling NGO’s, bicycle events, protests, grassroots projects, and other creative alternatives to the damaging growth mentality of capitalism. As usual, each day we try to live as a self managed community on wheels,…