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Biketour update for 2009-07-14
We are one fax ahead of schedule. Today we’ll decide how we ride further. # Biketour is taking a break today at prespa lake, a bit north of village of Pretor, next to the beach. #
Biketour diary: The first week

9.7.Veles -Teovo After Emil saw us off in Veles, we cycled a quiet road to Teovo, enjoying a dip in a beautiful and cool B… river on the way and again on reaching the village. In Teovo we slept in the charming village school (picture) which, unfortunately, isn’t being used as there are not enough children in the village. We cooked lunch in church kitchen where we had the luxury of eating out of plates and in the evening we were invited for rakija and meze (a range of cold snacks served with rakija) at a local’s house. Our hearts…
Biketour update for 2009-07-12
See the first pictures, from Benoit, on http://bit.ly/Knjuc # We’re in Bitola, heading for Prespa lake in the afternoon. #
Biketour update for 2009-07-11
Tomorrow well cycle sraigt to Bitola, so no night in Debreste. # After a rough climb, losing some people (who found Joao) we now stay at the monastery of Zrze. #