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My last couple of days on the Biketour
Sitting on a train to Porto, having nice views at the seaside, still remembering all the beautiful faces of people from Ecotopia. The last couple of days at the tour felt truly special. We finally left the constant uphill side of Spain and continued to many amazing downhills. 15 km of wild downhill at the national road, coming to the biggest town I saw in two weeks. Babylon. Mordor full of people and buildings, so much activity going on. Feeling enthusiastic about so much life, after looking at chewing cows for days. Farms were exchanged for cafes and dumpsters full…
Bin schon vor ner Weile am Camp angekommen. Wie R. schon sagte, immer wieder beeindruckend, was die Scouts fuer Orte finden. Diesmal im Garten eines gelben Ferienhauses. Niemand hier, Rollos unten, Rasen frisch gemaeht. Wasserleitung! Menschen tauchen, eine nach der anderen mehr oder weniger erschoepft auf, ihr Rad die letzten steilen holprigen Meter hinaufschiebend. Die altbekannten Gesichter blinzeln in die Sonne und erkunden den Ort. Laden das Essen ab, welches sie in Pappkartons oben auf ihrem Gepaeck festgezurrt haben. Das Cooking-Team nimmt ihnen die Sachen dankend entgegen, sichten, schmieden Menue-Plaene: Alles-was-wir-haben-Suppe mit… Hungrige schnappen sich die matschigen Bananen, fuettern sich…
10 years Ecotopia Biketour
It was super interesting to join Ecotopia Biketour (EBt) again, after 5 years not taking part and almost have lost contact. I would like to share here some of my thoughts that were eminent during this years tour, my fifth EBt. The first time being in 2008. Joining biketour for the fifth time is not the same as the first experience. The past experiences make that you have memories coming up from other years influencing the feelings, ideas and proposals that you will bring to the group. Luckily some other former EBt friends popped up as well! The year 2018…
Biketour in Allaríz and Saumede
From Ourense we had to cycle a long uphill full of suicidal flies to Allaríz, a small but famous and touristic town south of Ourense. The original plan was to do a public workshop day and people’s kitchen in a social centre there. But there had been some miscommunication about the dates, and in the end the day that we were there, no one was there to do any activities with us. But we had a sleeping place organised, a small garden on the edge of the town. The infrastructure was a bit difficult, as the only source for water…