Beograd to Timisoara — a tale of wetness & warm hearts

I joined as a newbie in Beograd, finding a cheap bicycle and then trading up before the turnoff to our stay at the public camping area on War island, crossed by a pedestrian metal bridge manned by the military. (The understanding was that traffic ceased at eight o-clock but was later found to be for visitors and not campers like us. Meanwhile, it prevented us from joining a collective that was serving vegetarian pizza. Boo.) Beautiful site with beach, picnic tables, forest, and open grass at the merging of the Danube and Sava rivers. Internal rumblings of the group were…

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Lljubljana — Zagreb

Soooo finally come some insights from the route Ljubljana-Zagreb. Yes, some things take time.   After leaving the vampire-house and having an amazing bath in a beautiful spot by the Sava river, it took a few days to really feel like a group again. As it was my first time on the tour, I thought this was usual, but some fellow riders said it was a strange feeling of “in-between places”. Indeed, a big chunk of the group which was there from the beginning needed some time on their own after socializing so much and was planning to join again…

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3 weeks with the Biketour in Romania

I saw that the blog wasn’t updated for a while so wanted to share my experiences of three weeks on the biketour in Romania.   After a loooong train journey to reach Arad, I saw that the local trains from Arad all leave at either 5 in the morning, or 5 in the evening. Given that a journey of 150km was going to take 4.5 hours, which would then deposit me in the middle of nowhere in darkness, practicallity won and a got on a train at 5am heading for Brad. The train looked like it was 60 years old,had…

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Heavy Fucking Thunder

Zagreb-Novi Sad 18.07-28.07 hellouu everybody! sorry you didn’t hear from us in a while, we were busy staying alive and dry and in good spirits. also, our phones kept telling us we’re in bosnia and charging away all our data. so, from zagreb to novi sad our route was under… mixed weather. heavy fucking thunder (TM) made us search shelter almost every day. which also made us come into contact with more locals, so that was nice!(especially since so many people were so super welcoming and friendly to us, offering us places to stay, ice cold water, fruit or coffee…

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