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Bike and buslanes in Tirana
Thursday morning, after saying goodbye to Lisa and Felix, the biketour had a rendez-vous with people from ECAT, a Tirana based NGO which assist the government on environmental and technical issues. As Tirana is totally overcrowded with cars, the city has a problem with small particle (soot) pollution. To fight this silent killer the local government started to promote public transport and cycling in town. After visiting several towns in France and Germany, ECAT made a plan to construct combined bike- and buslanes. These will encourage citizens to make more use non-polluting transport options. ECAT invited The Biketour for a…
Biketour update for 2009-07-24
Afternoon in Kruje, night at beach of Tale. Tomorrow: Shkoder… #
Biketour a la côte d’Albanie
mardi 21 juillet reveil avec vue sur les bunkers a moitie immerges, petit dejeuner de spaghettis de la veille et depart tout en douceur, entre sable et Air (fond sonore grace a Nils) sur la `plage generale` menant a Durres suivi d un rapide virage vers la route principale… les carioles et le sable ne font pas bon menage,,,, mais les camions la poussiere et les travaux ne nous rejouissent pas plus….nous revoila jettes dans l enfer urbain et je regrette le calme du bord de mer… l entree a Durres n est pas non plus relaxante… nous slalomons entre…
Biketour update for 2009-07-23
Thursday we promote with ECAT bikelanes of Tirana. Meet up@11@Tiran # a-Durrës autostrada #