Latest blog posts
what about ecotopia 2024??
—- hi everybody! —- after we kept getting questions about when and where ecotopia will happen this year, we realised that this info isn’t very visibly online yet. —- so here you go: we are going to the baltics, starting in southern finland and possibly ending in poland. so far we have fixed positive responses from a few projects but we’re actively working on it right now and we’re optimistic that there will be more answers soon! —- this is our very rough plan so far (please do not book tickets based on this!): —- towards end of june: starting…
challenging white ecotopia
dear ecotopians – especially dear black, brown, indigenous, asian and migrantized ecotopians, —- for a long time the ecotopia biketour has been quite the white environment and it mostly is that way still. this doesn’t mean that no BBIPoC or migrantized people have joined ecotopia in the past or have been/are part of the tour and orga, of course. but they have usually been a minority or even just a single person. some of our PoC friends feebacked that they were hesitant to join or didn’t come to the biketour because our group was so white. we would like to…
The brand new ✨Ecotopia Orga Month✨
dear everyone! —- we have some good news! some of us will meet next month for several weeks to do orga work like contacting projects, making a more concrete route, gathering equipment, creating tour info material, discussing topics like conflict resolution, awareness, the whiteness of ecotopia biketour and much more. we will meet where last year’s tour started, in austria with some sweet friends of ecotopia. <3 —- wanna join us? anyone can come! but we ask you to tell us beforehand when and for how long you’d like to join us because the place has limited capacities. we’ll then…
Ecotopia?? Tell us what you think about our name
Ecotopia?? One of the topics that came up during the meeting in December 2023 was about the name of the biketour. More specifically, if we want to change it. The name has a lot of history – it was first used as a name of a bus tour and later gathering from many years ago, starting in 1986, then a biketour was attached to the gathering in 1990, and then the gathering stopped happening in 2008, and since then there is just the biketour! This isn’t the first time we have discussed the idea of changing the name. It has…