Looking forward….

Hey, It’s not long now till the biketour wheels out of Berlin to adventures on and off the road, and I thought it might be nice to write a brief post as I’m getting ready! :) I heard about Ecotopia biketour last year around April, and decided to go later on in the summer that year after seeing all the lovely photos and experiences on the 2012 blog. Here’s one from a border crossing to go with this year’s theme: I hadn’t travelled around much with my bike in Europe before, and had never been touring, so I wasn’t sure…

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A short introduction to migration law in Europe

Since this year’s biketour theme is “borders” I thought it might be interesting to write a short introduction to migration law in Europe. I structured it as a tool for people to get acquainted with the legal side of border issues. I believe it’s very important that legal knowledge is open to all, instead of – as is often the case – the domain of “specialists.” The introduction gives an overview of the relevant legal instruments and where to find them (there are some hyperlinks in the pdf). It’s just an outline where it could easily be a book, but…

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Hot off your press!

Check out the Biketour Flyer / Poster design and get printing, cutting and distributing to groups, projects and networks that may be interested to join, or to follow us biketour on this blog. All the 2013 print material is here, including earlier versions. The final versions are “FLYER TO PRINT” and POSTER TO PRINT” All the original svg files are there so you can amend them yourself for T-Shirt / booklet / sticker designs to bring along!!

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Join the Biketour Soli Party in Vienna on JUN 7th!

SOLI EVENT IN THE REALM OF GASSENausZUCKER PARTY IN RAGNARHOF : DELICIOUS PASTRY FOR THE 2013 ECOTOPIA BIKETOUR FRI, 7 June 2013, 9 pm.ff., Grundsteingasse 12, 1160 Wien Come with empty stomachs and pockets full of coins to support the “Ecotopia Biketour” project all night long in Ragnarhof next Friday. EBT is a bike tour, which rides throught Europe on a different route each summer since 23 years, visiting and connecting some alternative projects, social movements or places of political struggles. Planning this year’s tour is at its peak – read more on www.ecotopiabiketour.net. As a self-organised project, the tour…

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