Bon Voyage Ecotopia Biketour

Ecotopia Biketour is now on the road and we are looking forward to all our adventures together! The shiny new biketour booklet 2012 is ready, print off a copy and bring it with you. We also have a day-by-day calendar and a page on which projects/campaigns we are visiting so you can see where we are and where you will join us. If you want to join us it’s still good to register, find out all the info you need here. If you are coming to Barcelona this weekend, check the wiki for information about where we will be when:…

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Celebrate the start of the biketour, 8th July at Can Masdeu 10.30h-19.00h

Come and meet Ecotopia Biketour, find out about Degrowth and help us celebrate the start of our 2,000km journey by bike from Barcelona to Venice, which leaves the next day! Ecotopia Biketour is an eco-mobile do-it-yourself activist community which cycles through Europe each summer. This year our journey takes us through Catalonia, the South of France and Northern Italy and our theme is degrowth, challenging the damaging mentality of growth which overlooks real social and environmental values. We will visit projects, collectives and people who are experimenting with alternatives to growth, learn from each other and live sustainably! And we…

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One month to go…

The biketour is just around the corner, starting one month from now! Phew how time has flown away, but loads of things have happened during our preparations… We have made many many contacts, via internet, friends and travel, our route has almost finished taking shape (although there will still be major changes!) and the word is being spread (any help is welcome). Now it’s the time to confirm all the places we will visit, and work on detailed maps of the route. Along our route in Catalonia we will visit some really inspiring self-managed agro-living projects, in France we will…

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