2013 Biketour Events

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Over the summer of 2013, the Biketour collaborated on a number of events with local groups and held; skills shares; fundraisers; workshops; info evenings’ critical mass demonstrations; and human chains; to show their solidarity, people power and explorations of the theme “Beyond Borders“!

Click on the links below to read the related blog entry.

refugeetentactionThe Berlin Kick off Days! The Biketour held a number of info events with active groups throughout the city. IMG_7244The Biketour join Der Winkel for an info evening, feast and football with asylum seekers in Bad Belzig.  

NeRasismuLogoThe Biketour join with Ne Resismu for a Roma Action day  in Usti Nad Laden.

IMG_7516Many hands make light work for the Biketour and the Garten der Generationen straw bale housing project. Gagarin The Biketour host a series of info events and workshops at the Cafe Gagarin collective in Vienna.


IMG_7641The Slovenia Art Centre makes the most of the Biketour’s collective skills shares.
91The Biketour meet Green Action and the Bic Pop in Zagreb to discuss the current situation for refugees in Croatia.


SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAThe Biketour host public screenings and discussion evenings at Inex Film in Belgrade. IMG_0858The Biketour join the international gathering to show solidarity and skills share with local activists in Rosia Montana.

Click on the map below for more information about the Ecotopia Biketour 2013: Beyond Borders, including a link to the full BLOG archive, videos and project links for 2013.


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