2013 – Beyond Borders

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In summer 2013, Ecotopia Biketour cycled from Berlin to Romania Beyond Borders

The tour cycled 3500km exploring the themes within political, physical and conceptual borders; over the 2 and a half months, 85 participants joined up with over 40 projects including; European Refugee struggles; a self organised Roma Kindergarten; the Common Land struggles of Croatia; political corruption in Rosia Montana; and countless social centres, ecological and bike projects across South Eastern Europe.


  • See a selection of Events that we made en route.
  • See some of the Videos that we took en-route. (ongoing)
  • Find links to the projects we collaborated with in 2013!
  • See the full 2013 BLOG archive for daily blog posts from each destination – you have to scroll down and click “next pages” quite a few times!

Ecotopia Biketour is an informal international group of social justice activists, environmentalists and interested people who cycle together (some 3500 km) across different part of Europe each year, joining up with grass routes campaigns, NGO’s and social movements related to a consensually chosen theme.

Pedaling to a new route each year we carry everything on bikes and trailers. By practising consensus we create an evolving intentional community for over two months on the open road. The Biketour is the exact opposite of an all inclusive flight to the beach! -we are all about D.I.Y informal education and Doing it Ourselves! Here are a few ideas of how you can get involved!

[This website is run voluntarily and is constantly being updated]

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