Raise funds

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English en Deutsch. Voor het gemak van de kijker, is de inhoud hieronder weergegeven in de standaard taal van deze site. Je kunt op een van de koppelingen klikken om de taal van de site naar een andere beschikbare taal te veranderen.

Ecotopiabiketour sadly needs money: To help to make an action or a workshop happen, to help places we are going to visit, to pay for visa costs or be in solidarity with people who can’t afford their travel costs, for the coordination team and for equipment like trailers or tools.

You can help us with fundraising:

  • Maybe you feel like organizing a concert or a party, and at the same time you can raise some money for the biketour
  • You can also play an instrument in the street or go with your whole band and let people throw coins in your hat
  • You can prepare cake, crêpe, cocktails or whatever people love in your area on parties, fleamarkets or even on your bike and thereby get some donations for the biketour
  • You can help write funding applications to bigger or smaller institutions
  • You can help with an internet-based crowdfunding campaign
  • in many other ways

Either get in contact with us or check out the fundraising wiki pages for more details.

Reacties zijn gesloten.