Winter Meeting (2020)

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Our Winter Meeting (WM) will happen from Thursday, February 20 until Sunday, February 23 in Freiburg (Germany) in the KTS autonomous centre. You are welcome to join us for less days, if you want.

KTS Freiburg
Basler Strasse 103
79100 Freiburg

For sleeping we have an indoor space from KTS. It’s recommended to bring your own sleeping bag and mattress, although there will be some mattresses. People can come on Wednesday (19th) in the afternoon/evening already to KTS. We will be reachable on our communal number: +49 157 84844802

Proposed daily agenda: (program can still change)

Thursday (20/02)

– Morning, from 10 am : Process feedback from last year + more feedback
– Afternoon : Discuss our values and how to implement them
– Evening/Night : There will be a rave party in KTS. We can think, if we need to find a sleeping alternative.

Friday (21/02)

– Morning : Next biketour route plan – rough idea, countries, start/end, time frame
– Afternoon : Finish with the route planning OR online tools introduction (90 min)
– Evening, from 8 pm : Biketour info event in KTS

Saturday (22/02)

– Morning : Create flyers, posters, stickers | Next year theme
– Afternoon : Have fun! Hiking around Freiburg is nice or the botanical gardens are free

Sunday (23/02)

– Morning : Finance block (90minutes), writing/updating booklets
– Afternoon : when to do the spring meeting AND schedule tasks until the spring meeting AND feedback from the WM

The Winter Meeting will be the first of our two physical preparation meetings for the Ecotopia Biketour 2020. We will look for interesting projects and based on it decide in which countries (central/southern/southeastern Europe) and which time frame the next tour will happen, analyse the last year tour and discuss our values and how to implement them, create flyers, posters and stickers to advertise the tour and make up a task list and a time line of what needs to be done, and have fun together! Anyone who is interested in meeting us and finding out how we organise is welcome to join, there is no obligation to take on any tasks afterwards.

If you need, we can refund your travel costs for joining the meeting. Please get in contact with us before booking any tickets, as our financial means are limited and we can only afford to refund the cheapest (sustainable) option.

If you want to join the meeting, please let us know by writing to 2020 at ecotopiabiketour dot net. During the meeting, we will be reachable by phone on this number: +49 157 84844802.

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