Tag: ecotopia
Photogallery – Oslo to Stockholm /edition 1/
The biketour in food form
‘It fills my heart when people can just eat what they want to and there is still food left at the end’ – João Taborda 2012 Cycling up a hill towards Valli Unite this evening, just after my first ripe fig which I have been waiting for for months, I realised that it’s been a while since I wrote something and I thought that I would spend a little time collecting my biketour memories so far, using our encounters with a vast variety of foods of all shapes and sizes to help me. Apples – We woke up one morning…
Biketour in poetry form :-)
Ecotopia Degrowth 2012 Follow the arrows and arrive to a buzz of energy, Vines to be weeded and a circle under an olive tree, Friendly faces and warm smiles welcome you to the group, Intrigued, wander about the farmhouse to have a better look. A Degrowth workshop to share information together, Sitting in groups discussing in lovely weather, Name games with which to remember everyone, Sign up for a task on the list – they’re lots of fun. Sleep side by side with strangers on the floor, A commune and family you feel you knew before, Close bonds form and…
Beaches, hitchbiking, wild fruit, pledges and police
Beaches As I write this, I’m on a warm sandy beach in Sant Pol de Mar on the Mediterranean coast in the evening. Our group is watching the fireworks dancing above the town. Somebody asked whether they were ‘eco-fireworks’. We thought about it, then gave a small ‘woop’ for the next green one. A firework after our own hearts. As the locals serenaded us with guitars, an oboe, tuba and stunning voices , and gave us beer, I thought, “I could get used to this degrowth lifestyle”. I am also enjoying all of the Spanish accents pronouncing ‘beach’, it makes…
Bon Voyage Ecotopia Biketour
Ecotopia Biketour is now on the road and we are looking forward to all our adventures together! The shiny new biketour booklet 2012 is ready, print off a copy and bring it with you. We also have a day-by-day calendar and a page on which projects/campaigns we are visiting so you can see where we are and where you will join us. If you want to join us it’s still good to register, find out all the info you need here. If you are coming to Barcelona this weekend, check the wiki for information about where we will be when:…
Photogallery – Oslo to Stockholm /edition 1/
The biketour in food form

‘It fills my heart when people can just eat what they want to and there is still food left at the end’ – João Taborda 2012 Cycling up a hill towards Valli Unite this evening, just after my first ripe fig which I have been waiting for for months, I realised that it’s been a while since I wrote something and I thought that I would spend a little time collecting my biketour memories so far, using our encounters with a vast variety of foods of all shapes and sizes to help me. Apples – We woke up one morning…
Biketour in poetry form :-)
Ecotopia Degrowth 2012 Follow the arrows and arrive to a buzz of energy, Vines to be weeded and a circle under an olive tree, Friendly faces and warm smiles welcome you to the group, Intrigued, wander about the farmhouse to have a better look. A Degrowth workshop to share information together, Sitting in groups discussing in lovely weather, Name games with which to remember everyone, Sign up for a task on the list – they’re lots of fun. Sleep side by side with strangers on the floor, A commune and family you feel you knew before, Close bonds form and…
Beaches, hitchbiking, wild fruit, pledges and police
Beaches As I write this, I’m on a warm sandy beach in Sant Pol de Mar on the Mediterranean coast in the evening. Our group is watching the fireworks dancing above the town. Somebody asked whether they were ‘eco-fireworks’. We thought about it, then gave a small ‘woop’ for the next green one. A firework after our own hearts. As the locals serenaded us with guitars, an oboe, tuba and stunning voices , and gave us beer, I thought, “I could get used to this degrowth lifestyle”. I am also enjoying all of the Spanish accents pronouncing ‘beach’, it makes…
Bon Voyage Ecotopia Biketour

Ecotopia Biketour is now on the road and we are looking forward to all our adventures together! The shiny new biketour booklet 2012 is ready, print off a copy and bring it with you. We also have a day-by-day calendar and a page on which projects/campaigns we are visiting so you can see where we are and where you will join us. If you want to join us it’s still good to register, find out all the info you need here. If you are coming to Barcelona this weekend, check the wiki for information about where we will be when:…