Finding Solace in Solis – Helsinki 25.06.-01.07.2024

i feel as though my brain cells are rotting and expanding at the same time. the crew we have and the company we keep know how to get things done, are nerds in various topics, and together our skills are (almost) endless. but we do not forget to also have fun and laugh and to communicate across culture and language our weird senses of humour. in the north of helsinki we were greeted so warmly and with such hospitality by some of the people from solis who generously hosted us in their garden for a week. we were fed fresh…

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what about ecotopia 2024??

—- hi everybody! —- after we kept getting questions about when and where ecotopia will happen this year, we realised that this info isn’t very visibly online yet. —- so here you go: we are going to the baltics, starting in southern finland and possibly ending in poland. so far we have fixed positive responses from a few projects but we’re actively working on it right now and we’re optimistic that there will be more answers soon! —- this is our very rough plan so far (please do not book tickets based on this!): —- towards end of june: starting…

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Spring meeting 2014 in Thessaloniki: Kick start to Biketour 2014 planning

The Biketour Spring meeting took place from 13 to 16 March in Thessaloniki. We were hosted in a social center called Scholeio (, a former school which was squatted after being closed. The contacts to this place had been established by some people from biketour 2013 who continued from our endpoint in Cluj all the way to Thessaloniki. They held a presentation about ecotopia biketour there past November, so we were already known and quickly welcomed to hold the spring meeting in this lively place. Some biketour feeling came up with collective cooking of delicious, vegan, predominantly organic, meals that…

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Bon Voyage Ecotopia Biketour

Il tour in bicicletta Ecotopia é partito, ci aspettano un sacco di avventure! Qua potete trovare il libretto biketour 2012, stampatene una copia e portatelo con voi! C’é un calendario giorno per giorno, una mappa con il percorso e qua i progetti o le iniziative che visitaremo, cosi potete sapere sempre dove saremo ed unirvi a noi. Se volete unirvi, potete registrarvi qua. Il nostro numero di contatto in Catalunya sará  (0034) 657087067 (Joao) e piú avanti avremo un numero francese e poi uno italiano. Da Adesso in poi, mandate tutte le mails a, che qualcuno controllerá di tanto in tanto. Questo é tutto! Yippeeeeeeee!

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One month on…

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English, Castellano e Français. Per ragioni di convenienza del visitatore, il contenuto è mostrato sotto nella lingua principale di questo sito. Puoi cliccare su uno dei links per cambiare la lingua del sito in un’altra lingua disponibile. Hello ecotopia biketour friends, João and Alice, our international coordinators, have been in Barcelona for one month already, they have had many incredible adventures and felt like blogging about what they’ve been up to: We have spent the first few weeks mainly trying to get contacts (an endless task) and looking for concrete places…

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Travelling tips

If you are looking for some advice how to get to us affordably, check out some resources at: the EYFA wiki. A participant made a group for the biketour on the Hospitality club, maybe it can be an aid during traveling.

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